There is an exciting new opportunity to affect the field of risk analysis. The Society for Risk Analysis [SRA] Council, and the SRA Specialty Group for Foundations in Risk Analysis has constructed a new glossary aimed at developing an authoritative dictionary of terms used in risk analysis. Comments are currently being welcomed as the SRA Council is well aware that it may be difficult to agree on just one set of definitions. The description found on the SRA website is as follows:
The Council of the Society of Risk Analysis (SRA) has initiated a work on preparing a new SRA glossary.
A committee has been established to develop the glossary, and a draft version was presented to the SRA Council December 7, 2014. The response was very positive and a plan for how to proceed was approved. The objective is to have a final version ready for approval by the SRA Council in their June 2015 meeting. The committee welcomes comments and suggestions to the draft glossary to further improve the definition texts and incorporate alternative views and perspectives; please send them to Deadline 28 February 2015.
To access the draft glossary press here.
Terje Aven
Leader of the Committee
Please be sure to provide your comments by 28 February 2015.