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I am always looking for undergraduates and graduate students to work with on research problems.  If we have mutual research interests, please contact me with a copy of your CV and a few words about how my interests fit with your own. 

PhD Alumni

Behailu Bekera, Ph.D. (2016). Stochastic Drought Risk Analysis and Projection Methods For Thermoelectric Power Systems. [Link to Dissertation]

Domenico Amodeo, Ph.D. (2019). Empirical Study of the Role of Human Cognition in the Resilience Management of Inland Waterway Transportation Systems. [Link to Dissertation]

Vikram Rao, Ph.D. (2020). Investigation of Decision Processes in Chemical Substitution Decision Making. [Link to Dissertation]

MS Thesis Alumni(ae)

Mark Lessans, (2015). An Evaluation of the Consumer Costs and Benefits of Energy Efficiency Resource Standards. [Link to Thesis]

Michelle Graff, (2015). An Evaluation of Stakeholder Influence on EPA's Chemical Risk Values. [Link to Thesis]

Sarah Clark, (2013). Mathematical Modeling for the Assessment of the Pandemic Potential of Influenza A: the Present State and Future Possibilities. [Link to Thesis]

Non-Thesis MS Research Students

Cassandra Reyes-Jones, Environmental and Natural Resources Policy, George Washington University

Sai Sudha Kanikicharla, Environmental Policy, Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration, George Washington University