Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Amodeo, D., and Francis, R. (2020) "The role of protocol layers and macro-cognitive functions in engineered system resilience." ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems. [Author's copy .pdf][journal]
Amodeo, D., and Francis, R. (2019) "The role of protocol layers and macro-cognitive functions in engineered system resilience." Reliability Engineering and System Safety. [Author's copy .pdf][journal]
Amodeo, D., and Francis, R. (2019) "Investigating Adoption Patterns of Residential Low Impact Development (LID) Using Classification Trees." Environment, Systems, and Decisions. [Author's copy .pdf][journal]
Rao, V.M., Francis, R.A., and Tanir, J.Y. (2018) "Analyzing chemical substitution decisions among chemical and product manufacturers." Clean Technologies and Environmental Production. DOI:10.1007/s10098-018-1643-y [Author's copy .pdf][journal].
Francis, R.A., and Amodeo, D.C. (2018) "On the role of protocol-driven resilience in coupled infrastructure and natural system resilience." Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 14:578-580. [Author's copy .pdf][journal]
Kolb, C., Francis, R.A., and VanBriesen, J.M. (2017) "Disinfection byproduct regulatory compliance surrogates and bromide-associated risk." Journal of Environmental Sciences, DOI:10.1016/j.jes.2017.05.043. [Author's copy .pdf][journal]
Graff, M. and Francis, R.A. (2017) “Does Stakeholder Participation Influence EPA's Chemical Risk Values?” Public Administration Quarterly. 41(3):496-531. [Author's copy .pdf][journal]
Holman, B., Francis, R.A., and Gray, G.M. (2016) “Part I - Comparing Non-Cancer Chronic Human Health Reference Values: An Analysis of Science Policy Choices.” Risk Analysis. DOI:10.1111/risa.12700. [Author's copy .pdf][journal]
Holman, B., Francis, R.A., and Gray, G.M. (2016) “Part II-- Quantitative Evaluation of Choices Used in Setting Non-Cancer Chronic Human Health Reference Values Across Organizations.” Risk Analysis. DOI: 10.1111/risa.12699. [Author's copy .pdf][journal][Supplementary Info]
Francis (2015) “Elusive critical elements of transformative risk assessment practice and interpretation: is alternatives analysis the next step?” Risk Analysis. 15 February 2015. [Author's copy .pdf][journal]
Francis, R.A., Guikema, S.D., and Henneman, L. (2014). "Bayesian belief networks for predicting drinking water distribution system pipe breaks." Reliability Engineering and System Safety. [Author's copy .pdf][journal]
Scanlon, K.A., Lloyd, S.M., Gray, G.M., Francis, R.A., LaPuma, P. (2014). "An approach to integrating occupational health into life cycle assessment: development and application of a work environment characterization factor." Journal of Industrial Ecology. [journal]
Bekera, B., Francis, R.A., and Omitaomu, O.A. (2014) "Drought modeling for thermoelectric power plants using an excess over threshold approach." International Journal of Systems of Systems Engineering. 5(1):25-44. [Author's copy .pdf][journal]
Francis, R.A. and Reyes-Jones, C. (2014). "Decision-Analytic Approach for Water Sustainability Definition: A Higher Education Case Study." Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. [Author's copy .pdf][journal]
Francis, R.A., and Bekera, B. (2014). "A metric and frameworks for resilience analysis of engineered and infrastructure systems." Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 121: 90-103. [Author's copy .pdf][journal]
Scanlon, K.A., Gray, G.M., Francis, R.A., Lloyd, S.M., LaPuma, P. (2013). "The work environment disability-adjusted life year for use with life cycle assessment: a methodological approach." Environmental Health. 12:21. [Open access .pdf from journal.]
Francis, R.A., Geedipally, S.R., Guikema, S.D., Lord, D., Dhavala, S.S., LaRocca, S. (2012). “Characterizing the performance of the Conway-Maxwell Generalized Linear Model.” Risk Analysis. 32:167-183. [Author's copy .pdf][journal][COM R script and R workspace]
Francis, R.A., Falconi, S., Nateghi, R., Guikema, S.D. (2011) “Probabilistic life cycle analysis model for evaluating electric power infrastructure risk mitigation investments.” Climatic Change. 106:31-55. [Author's copy .pdf][journal]
Francis, R.A., VanBriesen, J.M., Small, M.J. (2010). “Bayesian statistical modeling of disinfection byproduct (DBP) bromine incorporation in the Information Collection Rule (ICR) database.” Environmental Science and Technology. 44:1232-1239. [Author's copy .pdf][journal]
Francis, R.A., Small, M.J., VanBriesen, J.M. (2009). “Multivariate Distributions of Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water.” Water Research. 43:3453-3468. [Author's copy .pdf][journal]
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Francis, R., Paretti, M., and Riedner, R. (2020). "Exploring the role of engineering judgment in engineer identity formation through student technical reports", Frontiers in Education (FIE) 2020, Uppsala Sweden.
Domenico C. Amodeo and Royce A. Francis. (2019) "An introduction to protocol-driven resilience," ESREL 2019, Hannover Germany, 2019. doi:10.3850/978-981-11-2724-3_1026-cd
Baroud, H., Francis, R., and Barker, K. (2016) "Data-driven Methods for the Risk Analysis of Global Supply Chains." PSAM 13, Seoul, South Korea. [IAPSAM Archive]
Rao, V. and Francis, R. (2015) "Risk analysis of cyber vulnerabilities in water distribution industrial control systems." ESREL 2015, Zurich, Switzerland.
Bekera, B. and Francis, R. (2015) "Stochastic Water Availability Analysis For Thermoelectric Facility Siting." ESREL 2015, Zurich, Switzerland.
Francis, R. (2015) "Simulation-based analysis of reconfigurable system-of-system network topologies for resilience using Bayesian Networks." ICASP12, Vancouver, BC, CANADA. [UBC ICASP12 archive]
Francis, R. and Esfandiary, S. (2015) "Integrated Spatial Community Resilience Decision Tool Unifying Social Vulnerability Indices and Relative Sea-Level Rise Predictions." ICASP12, Vancouver, BC, CANADA. [UBC ICASP12 Archive]
Rao. V., and Francis, R. (2015) "Critical review of cybersecurity protection procedures and practice in water distribution systems." ISERC 2015, Nashville, TN, USA
Francis, R. (2014) "A vision for probabilistic analysis of re-configurable resilient engineered and infrastructure systems." CESUN 2014, Hoboken, NJ, USA.
Schmitt, K., Francis, R., Patel, C., and Saber-Freeman, N. (2014) "Systems analysis of distributed municipal-scale LID retrofit for CSO mitigation." IIE Annual Conference and Exposition, ISERC 2014, Montréal, QC, Canada.
Rao, V. and Francis, R. (2014) "Investigating the role of statistical models in water distribution system asset management: a semi-structured interview approach." PSAM12, Honolulu, HI, USA.
Francis, R. and Colli, A. (2014) "Information-based reliability weighting for failure mode prioritization in photovoltaic (PV) module design." PSAM12, Honolulu, HI, USA.
Francis, R., and Bekera, B. (2013) "Resilience Analysis for Engineered and Infrastructure Systems Under Deep Uncertainty or Emergent Conditions." ESREL13, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Francis, R., Guikema, S., and Henneman, L. (2012) “Bayesian belief networks for predicting drinking water distribution system pipe breaks.” PSAM11/ESREL12, Helsinki, Finland.
Pita, G., Francis, R., Liu, Z., Mitrani-Reiser, J., Guikema, S., Pinelli, J-P. (2011) “Statistical tools for populating/predicting input data of risk analysis models.” International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management [ICVRAM] 2011, College Park, MD. [ASCE]